Important announcement!
Medical group carriers are holding a special enrollment period for small groups!
New group applications received between November 15 and December 15 requesting a January 1 effective date are eligible for coverage without meeting the minimum participation and contribution requirements.
• The group must meet all other small group eligibility requirements, and
• The group must meet the minimum participation requirements upon renewal to continue coverage.
What this means for you (small business owner):
You can provide your employees the opportunity to purchase medical insurance through their work for less premium than the individual market place
You can contribute whatever dollar amount you would like towards their premium
Their premiums are conveniently payroll deducted for them (can be pre-taxed)
You may receive a tax benefit
Why you want to consider this now:
It's unknown whether the carriers will offer this at a later time
Employees will be required to have medical insurance in California in 2020 otherwise will be taxed a penalty
Employees do not have to enroll, so you may as well provide the option for them!
If you would like more information on how this special enrollment period works and find out if this is right for your business, or if you would like to see a no obligation quote, contact us and we'll be happy to help! or 951-609-1500